Niemann Poland

Acrylux Mat Anti - Fingerprint

  • Matte doors
  • Owga Meble project
  • Matte furniture boards
  • Matte furniture boards
  • Anti - fingerprint
  • New decors

    Niemann furniture panels are an ideal product for those seeking trendsetting solutions. Furniture fronts are processed with a super matte ABS/PMMA laminate with a thickness of 0.5 - 0.6 mm and a hydrophobic surface..  

    With a new and improved surface, the AFP furniture front collection stands out thanks to:

    • Easy to clean – Repels grease and moisture due to the laminate's unique hydrophobic properties
    • Reduced amount of "fingerprints" on the fronts
    • Excellent resistance against scratches, chemical agents, and UV rays
    • Perfect depth of color
    • Super matte, soft-touch surface finish

    Acrylic panels create one-of-a-kind furniture with a modern character, while the functionality of matte boards will allow them to be kept impeccably clean.

    Niemann Polska also offers matte acrylic panels containing metallic particles. The processed panels imitate the look of polished metal, giving off a subtle shine as the surface's brightness changes with the angle to the present light source.


Technical Specifications
  • Dimensions:
    2800 x 1300 mm
  • Thickness:
    18 mm
  • Base Material:
    MDF, Chipboard by request
  • By Request:
    6 - 48 mm
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